

Principal Theory

Research History
Software Structure
Specie Sensitivity Distribution
BAYESIAN Inference
MCMC Simulation
DIC Optimization
Ecorisk & Uncertainty
Joint Probability Curve
Exergy SSD

Development Environment

Main Interface

Main Function Lists Panel
Models Optimization Panel
JPC Panel
ExSSD Panel
Work Path & Output Results

Operation Procedure

Installation & Initialization
Folder & File Extraction
SSD Models & Ecorisk
JPC & Its Indicators
Models Optimization & Parameters
ExSSD Models & ExEcorisk

Relevant Literatures

Developers & Contact



College of Urban and Environment Science
Peking University


ExSSD Models & ExEcorisk

After obtaining the best SSD model at each trophic level, please enter the interface “ExSSD” and follow the steps below (Figure 22):

(1) Click “Model Input”, and select the file “Best Models for each chemical.xlsx” you got according to above steps.

(2) Click “Load Path”, and select the output folder where the SSD models are, such as “OutputSSD_011900”.

(3) Click “Results Output”, and select the output path, which is “ExPafoutput” by default, or generate a new folder in the main working directory.

(4) Set the parameters in “K-value Setting” or use the values by default.

(5) Set the number of suffix characters of toxicity data. If the suffix is “_1”, the number is 2, and if the suffix is “TL1”, the number is 3.

(6) Click “Run”, and the ExSSD construction and the risk assessment of ecosystem begins.

(7) The interface will show the main information, including chemical names, the K values and distributions, ExSSD, and the time it takes. Please click “Back to BMC” button to jump to single-run-BMC interface. All the information will be stored in the file “ExPafoutput” shown in Figure 13.

(8) Please reset all the information in the interface before a new construction.

(9) Please click “Back to BMC” and “HOME” buttons to jump to other interfaces.

Figure 22 ExSSD construction and risk assessment
