

Principal Theory

Research History
Software Structure
Specie Sensitivity Distribution
BAYESIAN Inference
MCMC Simulation
DIC Optimization
Ecorisk & Uncertainty
Joint Probability Curve
Exergy SSD

Development Environment

Main Interface

Main Function Lists Panel
Models Optimization Panel
JPC Panel
ExSSD Panel
Work Path & Output Results

Operation Procedure

Installation & Initialization
Folder & File Extraction
SSD Models & Ecorisk
JPC & Its Indicators
Models Optimiztion & Parameters
ExSSD Models & ExEcorisk

Relevant Literatures

Developers & Contact



College of Urban and Environment Science
Peking University


Work Path & Output Results

The main work path and output results of BMC-SSD are shown in Fig 13. Main work path is generally composed of three parts, software executable files (.exe), input data folders, and output data folders. Toxicity data (Database), exposure data (Exposure data) and SSD model files (models database) can be found in the input folder. SSD outputs (Output), JPC outputs (New Output_011909) and ExSSD outputs ( ExPafoutpus) can be found in the output folder. Toxicity data and exposure data is in Excel format (.xlsx). Generally, the model files should not be modified, or problems may arise during processing.

All the SSD model outputs of our software are put into a folder named as "Model name + chemical name". In addition to the input and output data of WinBUGS, other outputs contains some results and supporting data of Matlab outputs, such as the dataset of parameters’ posterior distribution (WinbugsResults.mat), parameters’ statistics (Parameters.xlsx), SSD curve with uncertainty analysis (.xlsx) , data outputs about the hazardous concentration affecting p% of species(.xlsx), the ecological risk of exposure concentration (.xlsx) , the parameters’ sampling history which record the MCMC process and the posterior distribution curve (.png), the SSDs curves (including uncertainty boundary) by fitting (.png).

Preferably using the model function platform can also output model parameters for all pollutants SSDs models and most models (.xlsx).

All the chemicals’ information about SSD curves, ecological risk, HCp value, DIC and etc. are summarized in the same data file (.xlsx) in SSD batch outputs. The parameters of all the chemical’s SSD models and the optimal model (.xlsx) can be output by the model optimization panel.

JPC data outputs are composed of the JPC diagram and relevant JPC indicators (ORP, JPC5, etc.) of pollutants. The chemicals’ JPC results are summarized in an output file (eg, Chemicals JPC Bacth List Results) by batch output.

ExSSD data output is mainly composed of distribution pattern and statistics of the k value under N times Monte Carlo simulation, and the ExSSD curve or system-level eco-risk with uncertainty analysis.


Figure 13 Work path and main results
